Rohkema info nägemiseks:

Peeter Laasik

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
Project management services other than construction, construction inspection services, architecture design services, Construction work for hospital facilities, Health-related building construction work, Rehabilitation service, General care services provided outside the home

ELVA HAIGLA SA's activity report 2022

1. General description Elva Hospital operates as a hospital manager as a local and rehabilitation hospital. Elva Hospital is a foundation, the founder of which is MTÜ Elva Health Center. The foundation was established in 2003. Previously, the form of ownership was MTÜ, which operated for over 7 years. Elva Hospital is located in Tartu County, Elva Parish, Elva City. The main service area of Elva Hospital is the central-western region of Tartu County, with a total of approximately 25,000 inhabitants. The hospital's vision is to be a reliable and results-oriented medical institution. The

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