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Rannus Ervin

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
care advice, building and finishing materials, energy and mineral resources, mineral resources and natural resources, mineral resources and raw materials, marble and granite, Ceramics, Bathrooms, quartz, kitchens

Granite vs. marble: which stone is right for you?

Granite and marble have been symbols of luxury and longevity for centuries. From the ancient pyramids of Egypt to the Renaissance sculptures of Michelangelo, these stones have stood the test of time, showcasing their beauty and durability. In modern times, they continue to be popular choices for those who appreciate their natural elegance and robustness. Today, granite and marble are used extensively in residential and commercial spaces. Their unique characteristics make them ideal for a variety of applications, including countertops, flooring, and wall cladding. As a reflection of personal


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The timeless beauty of marble in modern bathrooms

Marble has been synonymous with luxury and sophistication for millennia. From the ancient Greek statues to the opulent halls of Roman empires, marble has stood
Marble has been synonymous with luxury and sophistication for millennia. From the ancient Greek statues to the opulent halls of Roman empires, marble has stood as a testament to human craftsmanship and the pursuit of beauty. Its historical significance continues to influence modern design, making it a coveted material for those looking to infuse their spaces with a sense of grandeur and timelessness. In the realm of contemporary design, marble has found a new lease on life, particularly in the bathroom. Its natural veining and spectrum of colors provide a unique canvas for designers and

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