Rohkema info nägemiseks:

Eve Runno-Paurson

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
Manufacture of lumber, birch sawmill for furniture industry, wound and lethal sawing material for sauna industries and interior finishing of construction works, base and packaging materials, wood chips and sawdust for the manufacture of heating pellets, edged birch sawmill, edged birch sawmill, wound and alder lumber, birch sawmill, wound and lumber

OERZEN OÜ's activity report 2022

Oerzen OÜ started operations on 18.04.2011. In 2013, the company started producing sawn timber. The sales revenue for 2022 was 5,572,605 euros and the profit was 1,162,424 euros. In 2022, the company had an average of 30 employees, with a total labor cost of 522,099 euros. Main financial ratios for the fiscal year and the preceding fiscal year and their calculation methodology: 2022 2021 Return on assets 0.26 0.27 Return on equity (ROE) 0.32 0.34 General level of solvency 3.89 4.10 Return on assets = net profit / total assets Return on equity (ROE) = net profit / equity General level


kõik artiklid

Sustainable sawmilling: how we're changing the industry

The woodworking industry is at a pivotal point where sustainability is no longer a choice but a necessity. As global awareness of environmental issues grows, th
The woodworking industry is at a pivotal point where sustainability is no longer a choice but a necessity. As global awareness of environmental issues grows, the demand for eco-friendly practices in every sector, including sawmilling, has become paramount. Sustainable sawmilling involves adopting practices that not only meet current needs for wood products but also ensure the health of forests and ecosystems for future generations. The sawmilling industry has traditionally faced challenges such as deforestation, high energy consumption, and waste management. These challenges have prompted the

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