REIDENI PLAAT AS current status
This company's branding has already reached 4,524 peopleand his is followed by 140 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 5.0 points.but there is no comment.
's activity report 2022
The main activity of AS Reideni Plaat is the production and sale of EPS thermal insulation boards, various packaging and different construction products made of EPS. The company has two production sites - Pärnu and Kadrina.
The war initiated by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022 made the construction market uncertain, which significantly reduced the sales volume of EPS products in natural units. Due to the rising cost of production inputs, especially energy carriers, product prices increased. The rise in the price of EPS raw material that began in 2021 continued. The 23% increase in turnover in the past financial year is due to the increase in product prices.
In 2022, a planned partial replacement of outdated production technology took place to improve the production capacity of construction insulation boards, and a partial replacement of the vehicle fleet. Production buildings have been refurbished.
The company has a positive attitude towards the growing priority of sustainability issues. We do not endanger the people working here or the surrounding environment with our daily activities. We have been a stable employer for our employees over the years. The company takes into account the reduction of negative environmental impact related to production and transport and compliance with sustainability in its activity planning.
The financial situation of AS Reideni Plaat is still strong, the impact of interest rates and exchange rates on the company's financial activities is not significant.
Key financial ratios: 2022 2021
Sales revenue(EUR) 19 134 595 15 554 614
Sales revenue growth(%) 23,02 60,65
Net profit(EUR) 2 667 705 1 016 134
Net profit growth(%) 162,53 48,61
Net profitability (%) 13,94 6,53
Short-term obligations coverage ratio(times) 11,57 6,58
ROA(%) 18,35 8,07
ROE(%) 19,23 8,64
The formulas used in calculating the ratios are given in Appendix 1 of the annual accounting report.
Arvi Siim
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