ADVEN EESTI AS current status
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's activity report 2022
Adven is a leading Nordic energy company that provides energy solutions, district heating and natural gas network services that take into account the needs of customers. We offer energy products developed as a complete solution reliably, cost-effectively and minimizing environmental impacts. Our products are industrial steam, cooling and cooling solutions; heat, natural gas network service, electricity and other products necessary for a comprehensive energy solution for the customer. Adven is responsible for efficient district heating, ensuring regulated heat prices in all district heating networks based on the Competition Authority's regulation. Adven is also fully responsible for cost-effective energy solutions in both the real estate and industrial sectors. We apply the technology and fuels that best suit the customer. Our customers are the industrial, commercial, public and service sectors, local governments and the population.
The company's management system is certified and complies with the ISO 9001 quality management system standard, the ISO 14001 environmental standard and the ISO 45001 occupational health and safety standard.
We provide a vital service efficiently, reliably. The EJKÜ has issued the "Efficient District Heating" label to 15 Adven boiler houses. The main environmental impacts are related to the protection of the atmosphere in production and emissions released into the air from flue gases. We monitor and take into account the required emissions in accordance with the law and our strategic goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by implementing fuel exchange projects in existing equipment.
Major projects completed in 2022 include: a 0.9 MW wood chip boiler house in Sõmeru and a 0.5 MW pellet boiler house and a 1.5 MW wood chip boiler house in Põltsamaa. In several network areas, we built shale oil capacity to ensure energy supply in a crisis situation and to be flexible in terms of price fluctuations.
In 2022, we also started building a new 0.85 MW wood chip boiler house in Kostivere, the completion of which was postponed to the beginning of 2023.
In total, the company issued 376 GWh of heat energy (418 GWh in 2021), 2.4GWh of cooling energy (2.5 GWh in 2021) and 8.5GWh of electrical energy (9.4 GWh in 2021). Gas distribution service in Adven Eesti gas networks was provided to the extent of 16.9 million m³ (26.6 million m³ in 2021).
The war that began in Ukraine in 2022 led to an energy crisis. The situation in the fuel market was exceptionally volatile - both prices and the availability of natural gas changed every day. The company made efforts to find a quick solution to ensure both continuity and an affordable heat price for customers.
In the business customer segment, we actively optimized the assets of existing customers and offered better energy solutions to new customers.
In 2022, the former Adven Eesti AS Tallinn district heating network areas were merged with the Utilitas Tallinn AS network area.
In the reporting year, the total CO2 emissions of Adven Eesti AS production units amounted to 36,399 tons, which is 22% less than in the previous financial year. The decrease in the total amount of emissions was caused by a higher outdoor air temperature and a decrease in production volume due to the merger of Tallinn district heating networks with Utilitas
Tallinn AS network area. While the average outdoor air temperature in Estonia in 2021 was +6.7°C, in 2022 it was +7.1°C. Business is seasonal in the field of real estate heating and district heating where smaller business volumes occur during the summer period. Conversely, the cooling business sector operates, where larger sales volumes
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