This company's branding has already reached 6,790 peopleand his is followed by 91 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 4.5 points.and commented 40 times.
's activity report 2022
Tallinn Book Printing House Ltd is an Estonian private capital-based manufacturing company, whose main activity is the provision of printing services
to the Estonian and foreign markets. The main products are books in various formats and the main markets are the Scandinavian countries, in addition to Estonia.
The printing house's clients are book publishers, printing service intermediaries, companies, advertising firms and individuals.
In 2022, the input costs (material prices, labor costs) continued to increase in the printing market.
No significant investments were made in 2022.
Changes in exchange rates, interest rates and stock prices do not have a noticeable impact on the printing house's economic activity.
Book production is somewhat seasonal, with a peak period before Christmas. This creates additional problems in customer service and production organization, but more flexible work organization and the use of subcontractors have avoided major problems.
The printing house holds the ISO 9001:2015 management certificate, the ISO 14001:2015 environmental certificate and the FSC supply chain certificate, and is a member of the Estonian Printing and Packaging Industry Association. We continue to be audited for the production of Disney Company printed products.
The main goal for the next reporting period in 2023 is to maintain the market position achieved over the previous years.
Considering the downward trend in the book market, no investments are planned for expanding production.
In 2022, the company had 122 full-time employees.
Initial data (thousand euros) 2021 2022
Cash 2408 2824
Unpaid dispatch 876 1042
Inventories 1285 1298
Current assets 4598 5197
Fixed assets 3107 3132
Total assets 7705 8329
Prepayments from buyers 356 288
Short-term liabilities 971 911
Total liabilities 971 911
Sales revenue 7748 9275
Total business expenses 7679 8147
Operating profit 223 978
Ratio Formula 2021 2022
Solvency level Current assets/short-term liabilities 4.74 5.70
Liquidity ratio Current assets-inventories/short-term liabilities 3.41 4.28
Payment readiness multiplier Cash/Short-term liabilities 2.48 3.10
Unpaid dispatch- buyers
Time of cash receipt prepayments/sales revenue*360 24.16 29.27
Fixed asset return Sales revenue/fixed assets 2.49 2.96
Asset return Sales revenue/assets 1.01 1.11
Production inventory return Business expenses/inventories 5.98 6.28
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