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HAVAS MEDIA OÜ hetkeolukord

Already 4,989 people have seen this company's branding and they are being followed by 52 Storybook user.In average the company has been rated 4.8 points but has not been commented.

's activity report 2022

Havas Media OÜ started its operations as a media agency in 2003 and a year later, a cooperation agreement was signed with the Havas Media unit of the international communication and advertising chain.

In December 2018, Havas acquired a 51% stake in Havas Media OÜ's parent company, Baltic

Media Holding OÜ, which now gives the company better access to all Havas

Media group's tools, media-related know-how, the opportunity to serve Havas Media's global clients in the Estonian and Baltic market.

On July 13, 2022, the company's business name changed, previously the company's name was Idea Media OÜ.

Havas Media OÜ offers clients full media service, including media strategy development, media planning and buying, market research, digital media services ranging from performance-based marketing to social media. The company continues to implement its strategy and is becoming a fundamentally different company; more efficient, digitally capable and more focused on creating a basis for sustainable and data-driven growth. Our greater business focus on data will result in greater productivity from advertising clients' investments.

The company's sales revenue in 2022 was 9,736,001 euros, of which the Estonian sales share was 86% and exports 14%. Havas Media OÜ's profit for the financial year amounted to 279,490 euros and the average number of employees was 15 people. The number of employees decreased compared to the previous year due to the restructuring of work organization and automation of processes. Havas Media

OÜ's activities do not have significant environmental and social impacts.

We expect that uncertain macroeconomic conditions will continue in 2023, but next year we see positive signs of market recovery and a return to growth. Havas

Media OÜ's focus in 2023 is to continue investing in digital services, automation of work processes and people, in order to provide better services to clients and grow faster than market growth.

During the preparation of the annual accounting report, no significant events occurred that are not reflected in the annual accounting report, but which significantly affect or may affect the results of the following financial years.

Main financial ratios 2022 2021

Sales revenue 9,736,001 5,868,282

Turnover growth 65.91% -8.07%

Net profit 279,490 203,747

Profit growth 37.18% 3.33%

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