MODIRUM MDPAY OÜ current status
This company's branding has already reached 3,055 peopleand his is followed by 9 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 4.8 points.but there is no comment.
's activity report 2022
The company primarily operates in the field of secure authentication services, providing software services on a SAAS (software as a service) basis.
The company is one of the largest providers of payment authentication services in the world, processing over 100 million payments annually.
The company offers a license-based solution to several major payment service providers who sell this service along with their other products to various credit and debit card issuing banks. The company has hosting centers in Tallinn and Oslo that meet high security requirements and are certified by Visa, Mastercard, and PCI DSS.
The company has a permanent place of business in Norway and as of 31.12.2022 has 2 subsidiaries: Modirum MDPay INC and Modirum Software OÜ.
There were no development and research expenditures in 2022 and none are planned for 2023. The company had 14 salaried employees in 2022. The labor costs in 2022 were 1,831,329 euros.
The company's board consists of 1 member. In 2022, no remuneration was paid to the board member for his work on the board. No compensation is paid to the board member upon leaving office or being recalled.
Main financial indicators characterizing the company's activities 2021 2022
Debt ratio 0.35 0.49 (liabilities/assets)
Total asset profitability 0.18 0.03 (net profit/total assets)
The energy crisis and the war that began in Ukraine in February 2022 did not and will not affect the company's economic activities. The company continues to operate.
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