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Already 1,308 people have seen this company's branding and they are being followed by 15 Storybook user.In average the company has been rated 4.5 points but has


Already 1,308 people have seen this company's branding and they are being followed by 15 Storybook user.In average the company has been rated 4.5 points but has not been commented.

's activity report 2022

Main areas of activity, product and service groups of the company

OÜ BeLinOr Textile is the official representative of Orsha Linen Mill in Estonia. OÜ BeLinOr Textile OÜ was engaged in the wholesale of linen fabrics in the fiscal year ended 31.12.2022.

In 2022, OÜ BeLinOr Textile's sales revenue amounted to 6,251,004 euros, which was 20.16% less than the previous year. OÜ BeLinOr

Textile's largest markets outside Estonia in 2022 were Lithuania.

Main financial ratios for the fiscal year and the preceding fiscal year and their calculation methodology 2022 2021

Sales revenue growth -20.16% 20.98%

Net profitability 5.26% 6.35%

Coverage ratio of short-term obligations 3.13 2.34

ROE 39.32% 53.92%

Methodology for calculating the presented financial ratios:

Sales revenue growth = (2022 sales revenue - 2021 sales revenue) / 2021 sales revenue*100

Net profitability = net profit / sales revenue * 100

Coverage ratio of short-term obligations = current assets / short-term obligations

ROE = net profit / equity * 100

Future plans In 2023, OÜ BeLinOr Textile OÜ plans to continue its operations.

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