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KATUSETÖÖD OÜ hetkeolukord

Juba 4,746 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 39 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 4.4 punktiga ja kommenteeritud 3 korda.

's activity report 2022

About the company briefly

OÜ Katusetööd's main activities in 2022 were mainly the construction of flat roofs, and to a lesser extent the sale of roofing materials and accessories.

Overview of economic activity

During the financial year, several larger and smaller objects were carried out mainly for main contracting companies.

The impact of COVID-19 on the company's operations at the time of preparing the report is through a general economic downturn. The state of emergency has directly affected the company's operations to a small extent.

Financial indicator 2022 2021

Sales revenue (thousand €) 6 299 4 027

Net profit (thousand €) 584 90

Turnover growth % (times) 56% 18%

Net profitability (%) 9% 2%

Coverage ratio of short-term obligations 2.23 1.55 (times)

ROA (%) 28% 7%

ROE (%) 51% 15% formulas used in calculating key figures: (cid:127) Turnover growth (%) = reporting year sales revenue/previous year sales revenue*100-100 (cid:127) Net profitability (%) = net profit/ sales revenue * 100 (cid:127) Coverage ratio of short-term obligations (times) = current assets/short-term obligations (cid:127) ROA (%) = net profit/ total assets * 100 (cid:127) ROE (%) = net profit/ total equity * 100


An average of 34 people worked in the company during the reporting period, who were paid a salary including taxes in the amount of 1 239 thousand euros, including 25 thousand euros to a board member.

The company has developed software for recording work and wages and for keeping the topic very clear and understandable. We treat job seekers equally according to their competence and skills.

Future plans for 2023 foresee some decline in turnover, which comes from a slight decline in material prices, but mainly from the cooling of the construction market. In general, a stable year is expected.

Russian-Ukrainian conflict

Due to the uncertain situation at the time of confirming the report and its rapid change, the management initially cannot give a reliable quantitative assessment of the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict on the company.

Risks associated with changes in exchange rates and interest rates

Settlements with customers and suppliers are made in euros, therefore fluctuations in exchange rates do not affect the company's economic activity. The interest rate on loans is linked to the euro.

Significant environmental and social impacts

The company follows efficient and optimally both in project planning and in daily management. All waste is handled according to applicable standards, i.e. separated by different materials, e.g. wood, SBS-PVC, insulation materials, etc. Unfortunately, the possibilities for recycling material residues are not yet widespread in Estonia, but there are signs of improvement in this direction and different manufacturers

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