ZEHNDER BALTICS OÜ current status
This company's branding has already reached 6,261 peopleand his is followed by 40 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 4.3 points.but there is no comment.
's activity report 2022
The main activity of Zehnder Balticcs OÜ is the sale of Zehnder Group heating, cooling, and ventilation systems in Estonia and marketing in the Baltic countries. The main product groups sold by the company were ventilation systems, radiator heaters, and radiant heating and cooling panels.
In 2022, the company's sales revenue was 6.028 million euros.
The company had an average of 11 employees per year.
In 2023, the company plans to continue sales growth in its main areas of activity and will continue to invest in better support for customers and marketing of Zehnder Group products.
Financial ratios
Calculation methodology 2022 2021
Net profit margin Reporting year profit/sales revenue*100 2.70% 2.72%
Business profitability Operating profit/sales revenue*100 3.2% 2.9%
Turnover growth (Sales revenue 2022-sales revenue 2021)/sales revenue 2021*100 23% 278%
Short-term obligations coverage ratio Current assets/short-term obligations 2.05 1.41
Equity amount Equity/assets*100 51% 30%
ROA (Total asset profitability) Net profit/assets*100 12.1% 6.3%
ROE (Equity profitability) Net profit/equity*100 24% 21%
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