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Introduction to Seasonal TyresAs a car owner or a small business operator in Tallinn, you understand the importance of equipping your vehicle with the right tyr

Choosing the Right Tyres for Every Season

Introduction to Seasonal Tyres

As a car owner or a small business operator in Tallinn, you understand the importance of equipping your vehicle with the right tyres for each season. The right set of tyres can ensure safety, enhance performance, and even save you money in the long run.

There are three main types of tyres: summer, winter, and all-season. Each type is designed to perform optimally in specific weather conditions and temperatures.

Seasonal tyres offer improved grip, better handling, and shorter braking distances in their respective weather conditions. They can also contribute to fuel efficiency and reduce wear and tear on your vehicle.

Spring and Summer Tyres

  • Optimized for warm temperatures
  • Reduced rolling resistance
  • Special tread patterns for wet roads

Typically, you should consider switching to summer tyres when the average daily temperature consistently stays above 7°C.

Autumn and Winter Tyres

  • Designed for cold weather and snow
  • Deeper tread patterns
  • Special rubber compounds that remain flexible

In Estonia, it's mandatory to have winter tyres from December 1st to March 1st. However, it's advisable to switch when temperatures drop below 7°C.

All-Season Tyres: A Compromise?

All-season tyres are designed to handle a variety of road conditions. While they offer convenience, they may not perform as well as dedicated seasonal tyres in extreme weather.

Consider your typical driving conditions, the climate in your area, and your performance expectations before choosing all-season tyres.

Special Considerations

Estonian law requires specific tyres during certain months, and failing to comply can result in fines.

Your choice of tyres should also take into account the typical road conditions you encounter, such as urban commuting or rural driving.

Making the Right Choice

Consider factors such as your driving frequency, distances, and whether you drive primarily on highways or city streets.

For personalized advice, it's best to consult with tyre experts who can assess your specific needs and recommend the best options.


Choosing the right tyres for each season is crucial for your safety and your vehicle's performance. By understanding the different types of tyres and considering your own driving habits and conditions, you can make an informed decision that ensures a smooth and safe driving experience year-round.

For expert advice on the best seasonal tyres for your vehicle, contact KUMMIEKSPERT OÜ today!

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