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This company's branding has already reached 2,482 peopleand his is followed by 18 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 5.0 points.but there is

ROXTRADE OÜ current status

This company's branding has already reached 2,482 peopleand his is followed by 18 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 5.0 points.but there is no comment.

's activity report 2022

The main activity of Roxtrade OÜ is the wholesale of other chemical products, which constitutes 100% of sales revenue.

The activity of Roxtrade OÜ is not seasonal. The company's activities do not have significant environmental and social impacts.

Significant research and development projects and related expenditures are not planned for the reporting year and subsequent years.

During the preparation period of the annual financial statements, no significant events occurred that could affect the results of the following financial years.

The risks of exchange rate fluctuations were not high.

Roxtrade OÜ has 2 employees, the board was single-member during the reporting period.

Taking into account business and financial environment forecasts for the following year, the main objective of Roxtrade OÜ is to maintain market share, strengthen its position and continuously improve its service level.

Main financial ratios 2022 2021

Net profitability % 1.32 0.75

ROA % 6.23 5.25

ROE % 7.38 6.57

Formulas used in calculating ratios:

Net profitability = net profit/ sales revenue*100

ROA = net profit/ total assets*100

ROE = net profit/ total equity*100

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