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Every journey to radiant skin begins with understanding the fundamentals of skin care. The skin, being the largest organ of the body, serves as the first line o

Facial treatments: your path to radiant skin

Every journey to radiant skin begins with understanding the fundamentals of skin care. The skin, being the largest organ of the body, serves as the first line of defense against environmental aggressors. It's essential to know the different skin types and conditions to tailor a skin care regimen that's perfect for you.

While daily cleansing and moisturizing are vital, professional facial treatments offer deeper nourishment and targeted solutions. These treatments can help accelerate the skin's natural repair process, improve blood circulation, and detoxify the skin, leading to a more vibrant and youthful appearance.

The Variety of Facial Treatments Available

Classic facials are the cornerstone of skin care, typically involving cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, massage, and a mask. They are perfect for maintaining general skin health and are suitable for most skin types.

Anti-aging treatments focus on combating wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. These may include the use of specialized serums, collagen masks, and techniques that stimulate skin renewal.

Hydrating facials are designed to infuse the skin with moisture, essential for keeping the skin plump, smooth, and radiant. These treatments are especially beneficial for those with dry or dehydrated skin.

Facials that target acne and blemishes often involve deep cleansing, the use of salicylic or glycolic acid treatments, and light therapy to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Exfoliation is key to removing dead skin cells and revealing the fresh, new skin underneath. Microdermabrasion and chemical peels are two popular methods that help to resurface the skin and improve texture and tone.

Customized Facial Treatments at BEAUTYBOOSTER OÜ

At BEAUTYBOOSTER OÜ, we begin with a thorough skin analysis to understand your unique skin type and concerns. This allows us to create a customized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs.

Our signature treatments are crafted to deliver the ultimate in relaxation and results. From luxurious ingredients to innovative techniques, we ensure each facial is a memorable experience.

We utilize the latest in skin care technology and techniques to provide treatments that are at the forefront of the beauty industry. Our experts are trained in the most advanced methods to ensure you receive the best care possible.

Pre and Post-Treatment Care

Proper preparation can enhance the effectiveness of your facial treatment. We'll guide you through the steps to take before your appointment to ensure your skin is ready to receive the full benefits of our services.

After your facial, it's important to maintain the results with the right post-treatment care. We provide personalized advice on how to extend the benefits of your facial and keep your skin looking its best.


Choosing BEAUTYBOOSTER OÜ means opting for a premium beauty experience. Our tranquil environment, expert staff, and commitment to excellence ensure that your skin care journey is in the best hands.

Ready to embark on the path to radiant skin? Booking your appointment is easy. Contact us to schedule your personalized facial treatment and take the first step towards a glowing complexion.

Embark on your journey to flawless skin with BEAUTYBOOSTER OÜ's bespoke facial treatments, tailored just for you in Tallinn.

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