GRANITOP OÜ current status
This company's branding has already reached 5,064 peopleand his is followed by 9 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 4.3 points.and commented 22 times.
's activity report 2022
Granitop OÜ was established and registered in the commercial register on 24.01.2017.
Field of activity
The company's main field of activity is related to the sale of natural and artificial stone details.
Revenues, expenses and profit
In 2022, Granitop OÜ had sales revenue of 7,745,710 euros (2021: 6,820,458 euros). The profit for the reporting year was 838,849 euros (2021: loss 385,372 euros).
Share and equity capital
Granitop OÜ's share capital is 3,000 euros.
The equity as of 31.12.2022 was 510,014 euros (31.12.2021: -328,835 euros).
As of 31.12.2022, Granitop OÜ employed 40 workers (2021: 33 workers). The total labor costs for the reporting year were 1,712,489 euros (2021:1,306,945 euros). No board member fees were paid during the reporting year.
Goals for the next fiscal year
The company plans to increase turnover and profit and expand operations in the Nordic market in the next fiscal year.
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