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The world of interior finishing is constantly evolving, with new trends emerging that reflect changes in technology, environmental concerns, and personal tastes

5 trends shaping the future of interior finishing

The world of interior finishing is constantly evolving, with new trends emerging that reflect changes in technology, environmental concerns, and personal tastes. As a company dedicated to providing top-tier interior finishing services, PIHLAMARJA TEENUSED OÜ is at the forefront of these trends, ensuring our clients' spaces are not only stylish but also sustainable and functional. Here are five trends shaping the future of interior finishing.

1. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Materials

As environmental awareness increases, the use of reclaimed wood and recycled materials in interior finishes has become a significant trend. These materials not only reduce waste but also add character and history to spaces.

The shift towards low-VOC and natural paints is a response to the growing concern over indoor air quality. These paints contribute to a healthier living environment by minimizing the release of harmful chemicals.

Incorporating natural elements into interior design, known as biophilic design, has been shown to improve well-being. This trend includes the use of living walls, water features, and natural materials that bring the outdoors inside.

2. Technological Integration

Technology integration is becoming standard in modern homes. Smart home features like automated lighting, heating, and security systems offer convenience and energy efficiency.

New technologies in material fabrication, such as 3D printing, are allowing for unique and complex designs that were previously impossible or cost-prohibitive.

Augmented reality (AR) tools are revolutionizing the way clients visualize their interior finishing options, allowing for a more immersive design experience.

3. Personalization and Customization

Homeowners and businesses are increasingly seeking spaces that reflect their personal style or brand identity. Customization allows for a unique aesthetic that can differentiate a space from others.

The use of unique textures and patterns in finishes can add depth and interest to a room. Custom wallpapers, bespoke tiles, and artisan plasters are just a few examples of how finishes can be personalized.

There is a growing appreciation for the skill and quality of custom craftsmanship. Bespoke millwork, cabinetry, and furniture are highly sought after for their durability and individuality.

4. Multifunctional Spaces

As living spaces become smaller, especially in urban environments, the need for adaptive design is critical. This trend involves creating spaces that can serve multiple functions, such as home offices that double as guest rooms.

Convertible furnishings are an essential component of multifunctional spaces. Items like Murphy beds and expandable tables help maximize the utility of limited square footage.

Interior finishes that incorporate space-saving solutions, such as built-in storage or recessed shelving, are becoming increasingly popular in both residential and commercial settings.

5. Health and Wellness Focus

There is a heightened focus on health and wellness within interior design. This includes an emphasis on improving air quality through better ventilation systems and the use of non-toxic materials.

Maximizing natural light through design is a key trend, as it has been linked to improved mood and productivity. Additionally, lighting solutions that mimic natural light patterns are being integrated to support circadian rhythms.

Acoustic comfort is becoming a priority in interior finishing, with materials and designs that reduce noise pollution and create a more serene living environment.

Transform your space with the latest trends in interior finishing. Contact PIHLAMARJA TEENUSED OÜ for expert services that cater to the future of design.

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