5 ettevõtet
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 2,350
- Töötajaid:
- 2
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 94,662 €
Avasta tööõnne uus mõõde!
software solutions
the happiness of work
career chats
personal development plan for employees
healthy me
healthy self
mental health form
employee training programs
personal development planning
work happiness strategies
career conversation software
workplace mental health
employee well-being solutions
360 feedback tools
online survey platform for hr
employee engagement improvement
workplace performance analytics
prevent employee turnover
holistic employee development
user-friendly hr diagnostics
organizational potential bottlenecks
training sessions
inclusive management
work culture design
career development
management training
personal development plans
career chat software
360° feedback module
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 2,270
- Töötajaid:
- –
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 90,734 €
Leiame sulle parima lahenduse!
software solutions
construction and real estate
construction research
construction lasers
gnss equipment
electron tachymeters
equipment and technical support
outdoor computers
integrated solutions
spatial scanners
measuring accessories
data analysis
workflow management
sharing of data
documentation of project
electronic communications services
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 1,090
- Töötajaid:
- –
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 24,442 €
Arvutite hulgimüük Harku vallas
software solutions
computer applications
cad/cam software for robots
software for programming various cnc machine tools
engineering software
cnc software
cnc simulation
software for programming various cnc machine tools
engineering software
customer service
technical support
online tutorials
software updates
wholesale of computers
- Krediidiskoor:
- Risky
- Maineskoor:
- 602
- Töötajaid:
- 4
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 135,864 €
Arvutite parandus Tallinnas
software solutions
computer repair
computer maintenance and repair
computer repair
computer maintenance
gaming computers
used business class laptops
repair of smart devices
electronics repair
computer repair services
computer maintenance service
electronics repair shop
gaming computer setup
pre-owned business laptops
smart device repair
computer hardware full service
quick computer service
custom gaming pc build
smartphone repair and maintenance
software installation for smartphones
it consulting services
lcd and plasma tv repair
car electronics repair
computer maintenance work
computer repair
play computers
used business class laptops
full care
quick repair
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 430
- Töötajaid:
- 1
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 58,385 €
Kohandatud IT-lahendused, mis töötavad teie jaoks
software solutions
it technique sale
automation works
it equipment installation
it services
automation solutions
it maintenance services
it equipment sale
it installation services
professional it services
e-shop it products
upcoming online tech store
tech support estonia
it equipment tartu
business it solutions
it automation märja
new it products
it e-commerce platform
it service provider
it-technique sale
installation of it-equipment
computers and laptops
periphery equipment
installation of electrical equipment