Raivi Soopalu (s. 11.10.1975)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 5
- Business experience (for years):
- 25
bodywork and painting
handling of damage
sale and exchange of glasses
car wash and polishing
direct loss handling
bodywork restoration
restoration of details
skin care
outdoor washing
pitch removal
cabin cleaning
car maintenance on the river
car service on the river
the car wash
miscellaneous forestry services
plant cultivation
repair of motor vehicles
excavation and soil work
sale of passenger cars
building construction works
Tanel Svilberg (s. 29.01.1991)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 4
bodywork and painting
car paint works
project cars
restoration of colors
color hardening
spray of car paints
maintenance of car paints
replacement of tyres
maintenance of tyres
repair of tyres
car design
car movements
car repair
repair of vehicles
paint removal
surface preparation
priming of substrate
application of paint layer
layer lacquer
detail protection
drying and polishing steps
final finishing and inspection
Aivar Tammsaar (s. 21.02.1977)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 22
bodywork and painting
handling of damage
sale and exchange of glasses
car wash and polishing
direct loss handling
bodywork restoration
restoration of details
skin care
outdoor washing
pitch removal
cabin cleaning
car maintenance on the river
car service on the river
the car wash
repair of motor vehicles