Piret Vahter (s. 06.11.1985)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 4
- Business experience (for years):
- 18
training, coaching
team coaching
personalized coaching
vision card workshops
development programmes
self-awareness coaching
time management
self-knowledge and leadership
a bigger look at the goals
effective use of time
career authenticity
mapping reality and roles
creating a common space of thought
getting to know each other
a new level of your life
bigger picture of your goal
effective use of time
authenticity of your career
life changes
personal development
emotional balance
communicating with yourself
nlp coaching
vision cards
information systems
document management software development services
Tiiu Hinnov (s. 23.07.1959)
- Document keeper
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 2
- Business experience (for years):
- 28
training, coaching
team coaching
personalized coaching
vision card workshops
development programmes
self-awareness coaching
time management
self-knowledge and leadership
a bigger look at the goals
effective use of time
career authenticity
mapping reality and roles
creating a common space of thought
getting to know each other
a new level of your life
bigger picture of your goal
effective use of time
authenticity of your career
life changes
personal development
emotional balance
communicating with yourself
nlp coaching
vision cards
conference services and equipment
conference technology
Kalle Rajand (s. 24.09.1973)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 5
- Business experience (for years):
- 26
construction and real estate
construction and real estate services
automation of workflow
pitstop pro
pitstop server
automation solutions
web-based proofreading
pdf correction solution
planning and establishment application
installation and finishing automation
e-productivity software solutions
marketing and communication software solution
print management software solution
workflow automation tools
pitstop pro pdf preflight
pitstop server automation
graphic design automation software
web-based proofreading solutions
pdf correction software
print production automation
e-productivity solutions for marketing
communication software for print management
automated document processing
error detection in pdf files
online pdf proofing solution
print-ready file automation
customer review cycle improvement
automation of workflows
automatic solutions