Piret Vahter (s. 06.11.1985)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 4
- Business experience (for years):
- 18
training, coaching
team coaching
personalized coaching
vision card workshops
development programmes
self-awareness coaching
time management
self-knowledge and leadership
a bigger look at the goals
effective use of time
career authenticity
mapping reality and roles
creating a common space of thought
getting to know each other
a new level of your life
bigger picture of your goal
effective use of time
authenticity of your career
life changes
personal development
emotional balance
communicating with yourself
nlp coaching
vision cards
information systems
document management software development services
Taavi Lukas (s. 18.03.1976)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 5
- Business experience (for years):
- 24
state and society
occupational health training courses
internal evaluation of the working environment
expert assessments of the working environment
carrying out a risk assessment
workplace safety solutions
work environment management services
work safety policy development
workplace accident prevention
occupational health and safety compliance
work safety documentation
workplace monitoring and control
work safety installations design
occupational safety signage
productivity and safety in the workplace
safety at work
safety policy
occupational health
internal assessment of the working environment
assessments of working environment experts
conduct of risk analysis
construction and real estate
construction machinery and tools
safety engineering
fall protection equipment
Tiiu Hinnov (s. 23.07.1959)
- Document keeper
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 2
- Business experience (for years):
- 28
training, coaching
team coaching
personalized coaching
vision card workshops
development programmes
self-awareness coaching
time management
self-knowledge and leadership
a bigger look at the goals
effective use of time
career authenticity
mapping reality and roles
creating a common space of thought
getting to know each other
a new level of your life
bigger picture of your goal
effective use of time
authenticity of your career
life changes
personal development
emotional balance
communicating with yourself
nlp coaching
vision cards
conference services and equipment
conference technology
Kaire Parve (s. 24.12.1966)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 3
- Business experience (for years):
- 21
yoga and therapy
yoga therapy
stress management training
personal yoga practice
group yoga sessions
yoga for well-being
yoga therapy consultation
mental health at work
burnout prevention strategies
psychological self-care techniques
workplace mental wellness
customized yoga exercises
mental health first aid
leadership and management training
document management workshop
meeting organization and minutes
training and mentoring
promoting mental health at work
personalized yoga practice
workplace welfare
stress management
management training
team development
personal consultation
health of the organisation
psychological security
Silvia Kärber (s. 21.11.1981)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 1
special education teacher
for preschoolers and primary classes
private teacher for primary classes
special pedagogical support
speech therapy services
preschool special education
primary school special education
private tutoring for children
child development specialists
educational support for children
learning support for preschoolers
primary classes private education
special needs education
early childhood educational support
customized learning plans
study groups
special pedagogical learning aid
development allowance for preschoolers
instruction and counseling
articulation exercises
language skills
communication strategies
therapeutic activities
individual curricula
academic enrichment
educational support
development analysis