Vladislav Komarnitski (s. 22.02.1976)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 6
- Business experience (for years):
- 20
designer luminaires
legal and consultation
fire safety
inspection and maintenance
trade and services
special construction works
travel company activities
airline tickets booking
booking hotels all over the world!
booking individual or group transfers!
health and travel failure insurance services
holiday packages
travel agency services
global hotel reservations
group transfer arrangements
travel insurance services
vacation trip planning
travel deals
estonian travel operators
flight booking options
luxury travel accommodations
travel consultant support
travel conditions information
holiday destinations
resale of trips of estonian tour operators
booking airline tickets
hotel booking all over the world
individual or booking group transfers!
global flights
Merilin Ottender (s. 13.03.1989)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 2
- Business experience (for years):
- 15
designer luminaires
culture and education
recreation and entertainment
travel and leisure services
travel and hiking
tourism and holiday
recycling boutique
interior and furniture
christmas decorations
creative workshops
textile boutique
recycling furniture
interior design accessories
garden and terrace decor
antique home accessories
gourmet food products
home storage solutions
kitchenware boutique
candles and holders
brass and copper items
decorative mirrors
garden and steel
home furnishings
textile treasures