Indrek Põder (s. 07.07.1978)
- Document keeper
- Board member
- Member of the Bankruptcy Committee
- Active companies:
- 7
- Business experience (for years):
- 17
appreciation of workers
construction and real estate
construction and real estate services
building construction firms
legal and consultation
purchase of debt claims
extrajudicial and judicial recovery of debts
background studies
instant payment order procedure
bankruptcy proceedings
civil law
administrative law
legal services
inkasso services
business advice
web advice
criminal justice
purchase, assignment, sale of debt claims
recovery of debts
creditor representation
background studies and credit monitoring
debt advice
advice and legal analysis of documents;
preparation of documents of legal nature
representation of the interests of a person in pre-trial, court and extra-judicial proceedings
organisation of entry into notarial transactions
co-operation partner for companies operating in the food industry
provision of high quality service
sub-contracting to food industries
Marharyta Voronkina (s. 12.04.1996)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 2
- Business experience (for years):
- 4
appreciation of workers
co-operation partner for companies operating in the food industry
provision of high quality service
sub-contracting to food industries
satisfied cooperation partners
cleaning services sector
subcontracting service
food industry subcontracting service
high quality catering services
cleaning services for food businesses
food production subcontractor
employee appreciation in catering
satisfied cooperation in food services
cleaning services industry partner
food industry cooperation partner
qualified staff for food services
expanding cleaning and catering services
responsible employer in food industry
social responsibility in subcontracting
food service industry growth
ready-made food production services
contractor service in the food industry
labour with the necessary skills
quality assurance
appreciation of employees
satisfied partners
additional business lines
co-operation partner for companies in the food industry