Andres Juur (s. 15.04.1986)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 4
- Business experience (for years):
- 16
training simulators
cinemas and theatres
culture and education
recreation and entertainment
state and society
research institutions
the concerto
games and toys; amusement park attractions
non-residential property services
internal audit services
video projectors
fishing related services
construction work on buildings related to leisure, sports, culture, accommodation and restaurants
personal computers
shop furniture
room cleaning services
security cameras
miscellaneous furnishings
financial audit services
large kitchen furnishings
water installations
cnc lathes
office equipment, except furniture
film cameras
identification bracelet
construction work for amusement parks
cameras/photo machines
training simulators
cinemas and theatres
culture and education
recreation and entertainment
state and society
research institutions
the concerto
games and toys; amusement park attractions
non-residential property services
internal audit services
video projectors
fishing related services
construction work on buildings related to leisure, sports, culture, accommodation and restaurants
personal computers
shop furniture
room cleaning services
security cameras
miscellaneous furnishings
financial audit services
large kitchen furnishings
water installations
cnc lathes
office equipment, except furniture
film cameras
identification bracelet
construction work for amusement parks
cameras/photo machines
Kuno Rooba (s. 13.12.1972)
- Person entitled to represent the institution
- Board member
- Active companies:
- 5
- Business experience (for years):
- 28
training simulators
culture and education
recreation and entertainment
sports federations
sports organisations
vocational training
state and society
meat products
poultrymeat products
fish fillets
fresh fish fillets
frozen fish, fish fillets and other fish meat
fruit, vegetables and related products
potatoes and potato products
processed fruit and vegetables
fresh or frozen vegetables
dairy products
milk and cream
flour and tang substances
miscellaneous foods
bread products, fresh pastry and cakes
bread products
pasta products
miscellaneous food and dried products
processed food
Margus Ojaots (s. 02.08.1963)
- Person entitled to represent the institution
- The self-employed
- Board member
- Active companies:
- 3
- Business experience (for years):
- 25
training simulators
vocational training
culture and education
recreation and entertainment
travel and leisure services
travel and hiking
state and society
food, beverages and tobacco and related products
frozen fish, fish fillets and other fish meat
frozen crayfish
fruit, vegetables and related products
potatoes and potato products
frozen potatoes
processed fruit and vegetables
frozen vegetables
dairy products
miscellaneous foods
miscellaneous food and dried products
deep-frozen products
instruments for checking physical parameters
electrical equipment and apparatus
multimedia devices
research and development consultancy services
building work on roads, roads, streets and trails
financial leasing services
sewing machines
crane bowls
engineering and construction consultancy services
Rein Oselin (s. 31.03.1966)
- Person entitled to represent the institution
- The self-employed
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 3
- Business experience (for years):
- 16
training simulators
culture and education
state and society
animal feed
animal products
cattle other than calves
oil products, fuels, electricity and other energy sources
oil and distillates
food, beverages and tobacco and related products
meat products
fruit, vegetables and related products
potatoes and potato products
juice concentrates
dairy products
flour and tang substances
industry-produced animal feed for farm animals and other animals
dry fodder
miscellaneous foods
bread products, fresh pastry and cakes
bread products
pasta products
non-alcoholic beverages
field engineering machinery
agricultural and forestry machinery for the preparation or cultivation of soil
Ülle Ernits (s. 07.12.1962)
- Person entitled to represent the institution
- Member of the council
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 27
training simulators
dental prosthesis and re-basing products
learning accessories
portable computers
travel agency and similar services
apparatus for recording and reproducing sound and image
hotel accommodation services
coordination, working drawings and technical requirements
school catering services
digital reproduction machines
desktop computers
laser printers
ophthalmological equipment
travel services
architectural, engineering and planning services
software development services
library furniture
document creation software package
optical instruments
simulators for research, testing and scientific engineering
construction work for dormitories
medical devices
four-wheel drive vehicles
miscellaneous furniture
school furniture
newspapers, magazines, periodicals and image magazines
laboratory equipment, optical and precision instruments (excluding glasses)
Ene Pukk (s. 24.07.1964)
- Person entitled to represent the institution
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 9
training simulators
vocational training
culture and education
state and society
construction work for vocational schools
research and development services and related advisory services
video systems for identification
industrial machinery
cooling and ventilation equipment
sliding partitions
electromechanical hand-held tools
public safety, law enforcement and order services
technical and vocational secondary education services
services related to construction
construction materials
computer network services
public safety services
school catering services
numerically controlled metalworking machines
construction inspection services
welding equipment
training equipment and equipment
mechanical spare parts, other than engines and engine parts
computer related equipment
system maintenance and support services
metalworking machines
architectural, engineering and planning services
it services: advisory, software development, internet and support services