Mati Lukas (s. 22.06.1955)
- Person entitled to represent the institution
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 4
- Business experience (for years):
- 28
industrial process controls and remote controls
culture and education
state and society
videography services
general and home services
gas fuels
oil and distillates
lead-free petrol
iron, lead, zinc, tin and copper
food, beverages and tobacco and related products
meat products
pork products
poultrymeat products
frozen fish, fish fillets and other fish meat
fruit, vegetables and related products
potatoes and potato products
dairy products
milk and cream
other milk products
flour and tang substances
miscellaneous foods
bread products, fresh pastry and cakes
elective bakery products
pasta products
miscellaneous food and dried products
professional apparel, speciality garments and accessories
Tõnu Viik (s. 12.07.1968)
- Person entitled to represent the institution
- Board member
- Active companies:
- 2
- Business experience (for years):
- 21
industrial process controls and remote controls
culture and education
higher education institutions
media and printing
museums and galleries
recreation and entertainment
state and society
research institutions
aquaculture products
glass products for laboratory, hygiene and pharmaceutical use
information systems
food delivery service
telephone and data transmission services
assessment consultancy services
other construction finishing works
protective and security clothing
tour operator services
warehouse construction work
restaurant waiter services
touchscreen displays
audio-video cameras
miscellaneous seats and chairs
floor installation work
Eveli Kuklane (s. 09.10.1982)
- Person entitled to represent the institution
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 3
- Business experience (for years):
- 14
industrial process controls and remote controls
culture and education
higher education institutions
state and society
research institutions
heating oils
instruments for checking physical parameters
electrical equipment and apparatus
spraying equipment
miscellaneous seats and chairs
urban planning and landscape architecture services
miscellaneous general and special purpose machinery
sewing machines
apparatus for recording and reproducing sound and image
testing and measuring machines and apparatus
lathe machines
project management services other than construction
numerically controlled metalworking machines
construction inspection services
welding equipment
freestrei benches
seats, chairs, related articles and parts thereof
cnc lathes
training equipment and equipment
construction work and civil engineering work of buildings or parts thereof
miscellaneous equipment
photocopying machines
computer related equipment
data processing machines (hardware)