Riho Ever (s. 28.02.1966)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 6
- Business experience (for years):
- 25
training equipment
the village of linnamäe
the village society
the village meeting
let\'s do the talks
children\'s day
outdoor cinema
the soosepp nature learning trail
linnamäe village estonia
village society activities
community meetings linnamäe
local discussions and events
children's day event
outdoor cinema events
soosepp nature trail
pärnamäe village development
village community engagement
leader project funding
village strategic planning
time management training
village newsletter subscription
village clean-up and festival
community development
project management
promotion of village life
event organization
training programmes
mentoring projects
strategic planning
infrastructure development
Mallor Malmre (s. 28.04.1976)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 3
- Business experience (for years):
- 13
training equipment
recreation and entertainment
general and home services
cycling equipment
running gear
swimming gear
winter equipment
sports shop
triathlon gear
sports food
sports drinks
compression wear
cycling gear
sports nutrition
children's swimwear
sports accessories
winter sports clothing
swimwear for adults
triathlon suits
neoprene clothing
running clothes
triathlon instruments
winter running clothing
energy gels and bars
Ivan Tšistjakov (s. 28.07.1987)
- Document keeper
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 3
- Business experience (for years):
- 15
training equipment
furniture and furnishings
home appliances
car goods
home and garden
sport and leisure
sofas and armchairs
beds and mattresses
tables and chairs
shelves and cabinets
washing machines and dryers
freezers and freezers
vacuum cleaners and cleaners
kitchen appliances and microwaves
bicycles and wheel accessories
gym equipment
ballgame accessories
retail sale of meat products
retail sale of groceries
online shop
Andre Kull (s. 09.07.1978)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 3
- Business experience (for years):
- 22
training equipment
bicycle accessories
smart devices
mountain bikes
road bikes
electric bikes
sports watches
children's bikes
fitness trackers
cycling computers
heart rate monitors
power sensors
bike gps
bike helmets
wheel components
wheel accessories and maintenance
road bikes
mountain bikes
gravel / cyclocross
body care products
wheel gps computers
smart accessories
transport and courier services
culture and education
recreation and entertainment
sports federations
sports organisations
online shop