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Business media page visits - 10303; followers - 72. Reviews - 1; Articles 2+ "Write an opinion on P. DUSSMANN EESTI!"

P. DUSSMANN EESTI OÜ's activity report 2022

P. Dussmann Eesti OÜ is a company belonging to the Dussmann Group, which has been operating in Estonia since 1996. The company operates in three areas, providing cleaning and catering services and building maintenance services throughout Estonia. The goal for 2023 is to grow in all three areas of activity. In 2022, the company's activities were still affected by COVID-19 related restrictions in the first half of the year and a sharp rise in electricity and food prices in the field of school catering. The field of school catering affects the company's results seasonally - especially the long
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EE- Estonia


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