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's activity report 2022

In 2022, Järva Consumers' Cooperative continued to improve its operations by implementing new technological solutions, which will help to reduce costs in the future. The profitability of commercial activity decreased last year due to the rise in energy prices and there was a decrease in the level of price increase in the second half of the year.

Revenues, expenses and profit In 2022, Järva Consumers' Cooperative's sales revenue amounted to 135,532.0 thousand euros. The profit of Järva Consumers' Cooperative was 894.1 thousand euros.

The change in the price of Coop Bank shares had a significant impact on the decrease in profit compared to the previous year.

The company's depreciation of fixed assets in 2022 amounted to 2,005.0 thousand euros.

Main financial ratios 2022 2021

Sales revenue (thous.€) 135 532 126 649

Revenue growth 7.0 % 7.1 %

Net profit 894.1 8 764.4

Profit growth -89.8 % 176.2 %

Net profitability 0.7 % 6.9 %

Short-term obligations coverage ratio 1 1

ROA 2 % 15 %

ROE 3 % 28 %

Formulas used in calculating ratios:

Turnover growth(%)=(sales revenue 2022-sales revenue 2021)/sales revenue 2021*100

Profit growth(%)=(net profit 2022-net profit 2021)/net profit 2021*100

Net profitability(%)=net profit/sales revenue*100

Short-term obligations coverage ratio(times)=current assets/short-term obligations

ROA(%)=net profit/average total assets*100

ROE(%)=net profit/average equity*100

Significant environmental and social impacts

As one of the largest employers in its operating area, one of the company's goals is to support local life. We have kept rural stores open even in places where the small number of residents does not allow them to operate profitably.

We have supported several local cultural and sports events.


During the reporting period, 4,785.7 thousand euros were invested in fixed assets. Of this, investments related to land and buildings amounted to 1,629.7 thousand euros and investments in store technology and other tangible fixed assets amounted to 3,156.0 thousand euros. The largest investment was the completion of the renovation of the Maksimarket building in Paide, the total cost of which, including furnishings and equipment, was almost 8 million euros.

The largest shopping center in Järvamaa with a total area of 8 thousand m² was completed. In 2022, a solar power plant was completed on the roof of the renovated shopping center in Paide.




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