Ettevōtte juhtkond, meeskond ja kontaktid
LESANIO OÜ hetkeolukord
Juba 1,429 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 28 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 4.5 punktiga aga kommenteeritud ei ole.
's activity report 2022
OÜ Lesanio started its operations in May 1995. The main activities of the company were and still are: - design of work clothes in Estonia; - mediation of production capacities of Latvian sewing companies to those wishing to order sewing work
For Estonian and foreign companies.
The retreat of the COVID-19 pandemic and
Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, as well as the increase in demand, had an impact on the 2022 economic results. Sales revenue increased by 39.7% to 5.43 million euros. The company's operating profit increased by 59%. Profitability increased by 1.1% due to smaller dividend payments. The increase in sales revenue was most affected by the previous snowy winter and the reduction of stock inventories to a minimum
Sales revenue was distributed by areas of activity as follows: 89.3% subcontracting work for Estonian companies, 2.7% sale of ready-made clothes in Estonia, 8.0% mediation activities for Norwegian and Finnish companies.
Changes in the structure of revenues were not extensive.
Subcontracting continued with existing partners. The customer base for the sale of ready-made clothes decreased, but due to limited production capacities, they cannot be significantly increased.
No long-term financial obligations were taken. No transactions were made with own shares.
The board consists of three members, none of whom receive a salary for their work.
Main financial ratios for the financial year and the previous financial year.
Indicator Calculation methodology 2022 2021 1.Return on equity Net profit/average equity 0.42 0.48 2.Return on assets Net profit/average assets 0.38 0.44 3.Financial leverage ratio Average assets/average equity 1.11 1.11 The goal for 2023 is to continue on the same areas of activity and increase the profitability of the company.
LESANIO OÜ kontaktid
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