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WENKARU OÜ hetkeolukord

Juba 7,197 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 8 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 4.0 punktiga aga kommenteeritud ei ole.

's activity report 2022

AS Wenkaru is a company with a rich history and a dynamic present. Established on the 14th of July, 1994, it was registered in the Estonian Business Register under the registration number 56031320. After three years of operation, on the 7th of August, 1997, the company underwent a significant transformation and was re-registered as a private limited company in the Business Register. This change marked a new chapter in the company's journey, allowing it to adapt and grow in the ever-evolving business landscape.

In the year 2022, AS Wenkaru ventured into a new business domain, focusing on the rental of spaces at the Home Spa and Glamping located in Vändra. This initiative was not just a business venture, but also a commitment to providing quality services and experiences to its clients. The spa center was not only used by individuals seeking relaxation and rejuvenation, but also by the non-profit organization, MTÜ Lastehoid-mängutuba "Päikesepesa". This collaboration further emphasized the company's dedication to community involvement and social responsibility.

In addition to the spa and glamping rentals, AS Wenkaru continued to offer experiential accommodation through the popular online booking platform, This strategic move allowed the company to reach a wider audience and cater to the diverse needs and preferences of its clients. It also showcased the company's adaptability and willingness to leverage digital platforms to enhance its service offerings.

Despite the company's various ventures and initiatives in 2021, it is noteworthy to mention that no salary was paid to the board member during this year. This decision reflects the company's commitment to financial prudence and its focus on reinvesting profits back into the business to fuel growth and expansion.

In conclusion, AS Wenkaru's journey from its establishment in 1994 to its current operations in 2022 is a testament to its resilience, adaptability, and commitment to providing quality services. As it continues to evolve and grow, it remains dedicated to its mission of creating memorable experiences for its clients and contributing positively to the community.

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