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KAUPMEES & KO AS hetkeolukord

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's activity report 2022

AS Kaupmees & KO is a wholesale company selling food and consumer goods, operating since 1992. AS Kaupmees & KO owns 7 warehouse stores located in major county centers across Estonia. AS Kaupmees and KO's clients are companies operating in the HoReCa sector - restaurants, hotels, bars, catering, and pubs. AS Kaupmees & KO is also a partner to department stores, retail stores, wholesale companies, and industrial enterprises.

In 2022, AS Kaupmees & KO's turnover was 84.1 million euros (2021: 73.6 million euros). The increase in turnover was due to the reduction of economic activity restrictions related to Covid-19, and as a result, AS Kaupmees & KO's sales to catering and accommodation establishments increased. AS Kaupmees &

KO is oriented towards the Estonian market and export does not play a significant role in its operations.

In 2022, over 500 different new products were added to AS Kaupmees & KO's product range, and the total number of products in the range reached the level of 14,500 different product articles. The assortment of AS Kaupmees & KO's warehouse stores is constantly changing over time according to local market trends. In 2022, there was

an average of 275 employees at AS Kaupmees & KO (2021: 284 employees). In 2022, the wage cost of AS Kaupmees & KO's employees, including social taxes, was 6.3 million euros (2021: 5.9 million euros), including the remuneration of board members with social taxes of 56 thousand euros (2021: 223 thousand euros) and the remuneration of council members with social taxes of 36 thousand euros (2021: 52 thousand euros). Upon the termination of a board member's contract due to the expiration of the contract, there is an obligation to pay the board member compensation in the amount of 6 months' salary.

In April 2022, Aktsiaselts Kaupmees & KO (dividing company) divided by way of demerger, during which the dividing company transferred part of its assets to the acquiring company, which is AS Kaupmees Grupp. As a result of the restructuring process, AS Kaupmees & KO became a subsidiary of AS Kaupmees

Grupp and AS Kaupmees Grupp provides AS Kaupmees & KO with management and general administration services (financial management, software services, accounting, personnel management, etc.). AS Kaupmees & KO continues to focus on its main activity, which is the wholesale of food and consumer goods.

In 2022, AS Kaupmees & KO did not make any development and research expenditures, nor are such expenditures planned for 2023.

In 2023, AS Kaupmees & KO aims to continue increasing its market share and stabilizing the level of costs. The main focus in its operations will continue to be on serving the HoReCa (hotels, restaurants, catering) and small stores.

Main financial ratios: 2022 2021

Turnover growth(%) = (sales revenue2022-sales revenue2021)/sales revenue2021*100 14.24 5.14

Gross profit margin(%)=gross profit/sales revenue*100 18.70 16.92

Profit growth(%)=(net profit2022-net profit2021)/net profit2021*100 -60.68 85.61

Net profitability(%)=net profit/sales revenue*100 3.01 8.76

Short-term obligations coverage ratio (times)= current assets/short-term obligations 2.11 2.21

ROA (%) = net profit/total assets*100 9.13 12.48

ROE (%) = net profit/total equity*100 16.89 16.69

Aktsiaselts Kaupmees & Ko conducts most of its settlements in euros and there are no risks associated with exchange rate changes. There are also no significant environmental and social impacts associated with its operations.

The war in Ukraine has affected AS Kaupmees & KO's operations mainly in relation to the procurement of goods. AS Kaupmees & KO immediately stopped procuring goods produced in Russia and Belarus at the start of the war, and alternative supply channels were quickly established, so there were no significant supply shortages.

Higher electricity prices did not directly affect Kaupmees, as our electricity consumption is covered by fixed price contracts.

Alar Aasjõe

Board Member

KAUPMEES & KO AS kontaktid


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