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SAIMRE OÜ hetkeolukord

Juba 4,720 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 54 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 4.8 punktiga aga kommenteeritud ei ole.

's activity report 2022

The main activity of OÜ Saimre is dairy farming and raw milk production.

The farm complex is located in Viljandi County, Viljandi Parish, Paistu Village, on Animäe.

As it has been throughout the years, one of the goals for 2022 was to increase the number of the main herd through as little culling as possible and improving animal health. The number of main herd animals was successfully increased to 950 by the end of the year, with an average of 921 animals in the herd throughout the year. The average milk yield was 10350 kg, which is somewhat less than last year.

The input prices that skyrocketed in 2021 and remained high in 2022, and the relatively low milk price in the first half of the year, created a situation where we had to look at the volumes of investment, and thus the investments for 2022 were:

Replacement of mats in one group's walking path- safety of workers and animals- both workers and animals (cid:127) risk of tripping and falling

Installation of some fans- well-being of workers and animals, midsummer high temperatures are (cid:127) hard to bear for both animals and workers.

Installation of hoof care mats in barn I - to improve animal foot health and to repel Mortellaro (cid:127) bacteria

Goals for the 2023 fiscal year:

Creating a competent and committed veterinary team (cid:127)

Improve animal health (cid:127)

Reduce culling (cid:127)

Increase the number of animals (cid:127)

Improve reproductive indicators (cid:127)

Increase milk production (cid:127)

Improve working conditions for workers (cid:127)

Improve animal welfare (cid:127)

The biggest goal for 2023 will be to create a competent veterinary team, as agriculture is a sector that is not interesting to young people. In cattle farming and milk production, work often has to be done at night, temperature and humidity have to be taken into account, and these circumstances often scare young people away from agriculture. If we can achieve this small goal, then the goals related to animal health, culling, reproduction, etc. will not become insurmountable.

To assist a good team, various investments are planned for the company in 2023

Purchasing a new feed mixer (cid:127)

Installation of ventilation in two barns for finishing animals.


Purchasing and installing robot feeders (cid:127)

Installation of hoof care mats in barn II (cid:127)

If possible, purchasing a UH scanner.

Main financial ratios 2022 2021

Sales revenue 4 397 892 3 212 576

Growth in turnover (%) 36.89 % 5.06 %

Net profit (-loss) 292 566 -870 441

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