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JALAEXPERT OÜ hetkeolukord

Already 9,259 people have seen this company's branding and they are being followed by 7 Storybook user.In average the company has been rated 4.6 points ja kommenteeritud 7 korda.

's activity report 2022

OÜ Jalaexpert, a private company that began its business operations in 2004, is a testament to the power of entrepreneurship and the potential of the orthopedic aids industry. The company, which is 100% owned by private individuals, has been a beacon of success and resilience in the industry, demonstrating consistent growth and profitability over the years.

In 2022, OÜ Jalaexpert reported a turnover of 794,753 euros, a figure that reflects the company's robust business model and its ability to navigate the market dynamics. The company's profit for the reporting year was an impressive 152,408 euros, further underscoring its financial health and the effectiveness of its business strategies.

OÜ Jalaexpert specializes in the sale of orthopedic aids and the provision of related services. This niche focus has allowed the company to build a strong reputation and a loyal customer base, contributing to its sustained growth and profitability.

Since the beginning of 2009, the company has expanded its product portfolio to include a larger volume of hand and foot prostheses, corsets, and other major orthopedic aids. This expansion has not only diversified the company's revenue streams but also enhanced its value proposition to customers, making it a one-stop-shop for a wide range of orthopedic aids.

The company is managed by a board of directors consisting of three members. In a testament to their commitment to the company's success, the board members do not receive any remuneration for their services. This unique approach to governance underscores the company's focus on long-term growth and value creation, rather than short-term gains.

In 2022, OÜ Jalaexpert had a total of 9 contractual employees, with a total wage fund of 205,173 euros. This investment in human capital reflects the company's commitment to providing high-quality products and services, and its belief in the value of a skilled and motivated workforce.

Looking ahead, OÜ Jalaexpert plans to continue operating in the same industry in 2023. This decision reflects the company's confidence in its business model and its ability to continue delivering value to its customers and stakeholders in the future. As the company moves forward, it will undoubtedly continue to be a shining example of success and resilience in the orthopedic aids industry.


What do customers think?

Opinions of the company's customers

- Roomet S.

Mul on olnud aastaid vajadus ortopeediliste abivahendite järele ja olen leidnud teie ettevõtte teenused imeliseks. Teie kohandatud proteesid on täpsed ja mugavad ning need on oluliselt parandanud minu elukvaliteeti. Suur tänu teie pühendumise ja oskuste eest!

- Jaan E.

Teie labajala- ja käelabaproteesid on olnud minu jaoks suureks abiks. Need on mugavad ja funktsionaalsed ning mul on hea meel, et võin taas aktiivselt osaleda igapäevaelus. Teie meeskond on professionaalne ja hooliv, mis teeb koostöö lihtsaks.

- Kaisa N.

Olen väga rahul selle ettevõtte pakutavate rinna- ja õlavarreproteesidega. Need pole mitte ainult mugavad, vaid ka esteetiliselt meeldivad. Minu proteesid on aidanud mul taastada enesekindluse ja heaolutunde pärast operatsiooni.

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