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Activity history
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RAAR KINNISVARA OÜ current status
This company's branding has already reached 80,697 peopleand his is followed by 10 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 4.3 points.and commented 1 time.
's activity report 2022
Raar Real Estate LLC's main activity during the reporting year was real estate brokerage and management services. The same activities will continue in the next financial year. Services were performed in 2022 in the Republic of Estonia.
The company's main financial ratios: 2021 2022
Sales revenue 128 358 243 637
Sales revenue growth (%) 41.8 89.81
Net profit(-loss) 25 581 27 696
Net profitability (%) 19.93 11.37
Coverage ratio of short-term obligations (times) 3.79 3.69
ROA (%) 38.57 25.50
ROE (%) 48.73 34.54
Formulas used in calculating financial ratios:
Sales revenue growth (%) = (sales revenue 2022 - sales revenue 2021) / sales revenue 2021 x 100
Net profitability (%) = (net profit / sales revenue) x 100
Coverage ratio of short-term obligations (times) = current assets / short-term obligations
ROA (%) = (net profit / assets) x 100
ROE (%) = (net profit / equity) x 100
Company customer opinions
Suurepärane teenindus ja mõistlikud hinnad. Leidsin endale unistuste korteri!
Meeldiv koostöökogemus. Hindan nende personaalset lähenemist ja professionaalsust.
Äripinna leidmine oli muretu tänu Raar Kinnisvara OÜ-le. Usaldusväärne ja abivalmis meeskond!
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