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SPORT PUBLISH OÜ hetkeolukord
Already 702 people have seen this company's branding and they are being followed by 62 Storybook user.In average the company has been rated 3.3 points but has not been commented.
's activity report 2022
The main activity of the company is selling advertising on the internet portal, creating web portals.
Main financial indicators of Sport Publish OÜ and their comparison with the previous reporting period: in 2022, the turnover was 3,741,796 euros (in 2021 it was 2,810,680 euros). In the 2022 financial year, the company's profit was 531,021 euros (in 2021 there was a loss of 178,212 euros).
No payments were made to the board members.
In 2023, the company wants to improve results, taking into account economic impacts.
The following are the main ratios for the company: 2022 2021
Net profitability 14.19% -6.34%
Liquidity ratio 96.75 2.73
ROE 12.02% -4.59%
ROA 11.97% -3.83%
Formulas for ratios:
Net profitability (%) = net profit / sales revenue * 100
Liquidity ratio (times) = current assets / short-term liabilities
ROE (%) = net profit / equity * 100
ROA (%) = net profit / assets * 100
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