Activity history
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EPRS LOGISTIK OÜ current status
This company's branding has already reached 684 peopleand his is followed by 1 Storybook user.On average, the company has been rated 2.3 points.but there is no comment.
's activity report 2022
EPRS Logistics OÜ was registered in the commercial register on 21.04.2008. The main activity of the company is sawing and planing of wood.
The turnover for the past financial year was 11,388,835 euros, the year ended with a profit of 982 euros.
No investments were made, no remuneration was paid to the board.
The goal for the next financial year is to increase turnover and make a profit.
Main financial ratios: 2022 2021
Income statement indicators, thous. EUR
Sales revenue 11,389 5,583
Operating profit 268 434
Net profit 1 373
Balance sheet indicators, thous. EUR
Total assets 1,744 1,658
Total current assets 1,393 1,079
Total equity 4 3
Short-term liabilities 1,308 988
Operating profitability (%) 2% 8%
Revenue growth (%) 104% 319%
Profit growth (%) -100% -160%
Liquidity ratio 1.06 1.09
ROA (%) 0% 22%
ROE (%) 26.96% 14007.22%
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