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MEDIQ EESTI OÜ hetkeolukord

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's activity report 2022

Mediq Eesti OÜ is a company belonging to the Mediq BV group, which deals with the sale of medical supplies and equipment.

The financial year 2022 was successful for the company, because although the turnover decreased, which was 17.2 million euros in 2022 (17.5 million euros in 2021), to which was added 2.2 thousand (6.5 thousand in 2021) euros of other operating income, the profitability of the company increased.

Mediq Eesti's profit for the financial year 2022 was 567 thousand euros (in 2021 the profit was 256 thousand euros).

The company paid dividends in the amount of 200,000 euros in the past financial year, from which the income tax on dividends was 35.5 thousand euros.

Main financial indicators: 2022 2021

Net profit margin %: 3.30% 1.47% net profit /sales*100%

Equity ratio %: equity 54.78% 48.78% /total assets*100%

Short-term liabilities coverage ratio: current assets / 2.04 1.95 short-term liabilities(times)

ROA %: net profit/assets 11.90% 5.57% total*100%

ROE %: net profit/equity 21.73% 11.43% total*100%

The company made new investments worth 107 thousand euros (80 thousand euros in 2021).

The company's operations are not seasonal. The company's main transaction currency is the euro, so there is no currency risk to operations and results.

The company's operations have no direct impact on the environment, but there is an indirect impact through fuel consumption. Mediq collects and recycles all plastic and cardboard packaging waste.

The impact on the social environment is rather positive, as the company supplies the healthcare system with necessary supplies and thus helps to maintain the health of the population.

The average number of employees was 49 employees (48 employees in 2021), the company's board has three members (also three members in 2021).

For 2023, the company forecasts continued profitability, but due to the instability of the economic environment, margins will decrease. Due to inflationary pressure, costs will increase, which will further put pressure on the company's profitability.

The company does not plan any significant new investments.

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