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Business media page visits - 5040; followers - 155. Reviews - 4; Articles 10+ "Write an opinion on FINNLOG OÜ!"

FINNLOG OÜ's activity report 2022

Finnlog OÜ was established on 02.02.2012. 100% of Finnlog OÜ's shares belong to Finnlog Group OÜ. We deal with the sale, design, and construction of solid wood laminated log houses and CLT element houses in Estonia and foreign markets. Great emphasis is placed on the development of design work and new products. In 2023, it will be 20 years since the start of the parent company of the group, Finnlog Group OÜ. Therefore, we have been building high-quality and nature-friendly homes for almost 20 years and can provide solutions for even the most demanding customer. Our solid wood houses are
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EE- Estonia


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Puitmaja – kodu põlvkondadeks, mitte üheks eluetapiks

  Puitmaja ehk puidust kandekonstruktsioonidega terviklahenduste tehnoloogiatest oleme Finnlogi blogis varasemaltki rääkinud. Täispuitmaja iseloomustab kvalitee

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