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220 ENERGIA OÜ hetkeolukord

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's activity report 2022

220 Energia OÜ launched electricity sales with the opening of the Estonian electricity market in January 2013, and we started selling natural gas in 2016. 2018.

In 2018, the subsidiary company SIA 220 Energija was bought back. On August 31, 2018, the company changed ownership and the new owner became AS Alexela Oil. In connection with this, the company's management also changed. In September 2018, the subsidiary 220 Energija SIA was renamed Alexela SIA. In October 2018, a new subsidiary Alexela OÜ was established, which was renamed Alexela LNG Scandinavia OÜ in May 2019 and was sold in February 2020. In 2022, 220 Energia OÜ continued its operations in the AS Alexela Group.

The main goals for 2022 were to continue to grow the customer base and find synergy with the parent company (AS Alexela) through the offering of combined products. It was also necessary to respond quickly to changes in both market prices and the regulatory environment, whether it be support mechanisms for energy products or universal electricity service. We were able to implement all developments on time and continue to be a strong alternative to former monopolistic market participants, thereby maintaining competition in the retail sale of energy products. The result of this is the continued growth of the customer base, but the rapid rise in energy prices significantly affected the profitability of the company. The situation is also difficult for the subsidiary Alexela SIA, which continues to be unprofitable. In 2023, plans are to improve profitability through increasing margins, careful monitoring of the credit portfolio, and reviewing the prices of products and services concluded with the parent company. A strategy is also being developed

to improve the profitability of the Latvian subsidiary.

The company's risk mitigation, which is mainly the fluctuation of energy prices, is solved in cooperation with the parent company, which offers derivative instruments for risk mitigation at market conditions and organizes a sufficient working capital buffer to cover the purchase of energy products.

Considering the seasonality of energy product sales, where volumes are significantly higher in the winter period than in the summer period, risks are also insured to a reasonable extent and the company's management assesses the impact of risks on sustainability as low. Considering the company's market share, the company does not have significant environmental and social impacts.

Main financial ratios of the company

Indicator 2022 2021 2020

Net profitability 0.35% -0.90% 0.77%

Coverage ratio of short-term liabilities 1.03 1.01 1.18

ROA 1.44% -2.59% 3.02%

Formulas used in calculating ratios:

Net profitability (%): net profit/sales revenue*100

Coverage ratio of short-term liabilities (times): current assets/short-term liabilities

ROA (%): net profit/assets*100


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