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CLOUDMORE OÜ current status
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's activity report 2022
Cloudmore OÜ is a subsidiary of Cloudmore AB based in Sweden. The company provides supportive activities to the parent company, such as recruitment, administration, and software development.
The company has grown rapidly in recent years, and in 2020, 2021, and 2022, the size of the company has doubled.
The company is constantly evolving, despite the challenging macro and geopolitical environment. The management continuously monitors changes in external influencing factors for the company and acts accordingly if necessary.
Revenue grew by approximately 90% in 2022 and the average number of employees increased to 50.
The company shows a stable profit margin of 5-8%.
Main 2022 2021 financial ratios
Net profitability (%) 6.5 -44.1
Liquidity ratio 1.0 0.2
Asset turnover 10.7 11.2
Debt ratio 0.7 4.1
ROA (%) 69.9 -492.4
ROE (%) -45.0 -268.7
EBITDA (thousand EUR) 324.6 66.5
Net profitability (%) = net profit/revenue * 100
Liquidity ratio = (current assets-inventory-prepayments)/ short-term liabilities
Asset turnover = revenue/total assets
Debt ratio = liabilities/total assets
ROA (%) = net profit/total assets * 100
ROE (%) = net profit/equity * 100
EBITDA = operating profit + depreciation
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