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Company Story
At HINGESPAA OÜ, we believe that serenity and mindfulness are not just concepts, but a way of living. Our mission is to guide you through the journey of self-discovery, helping you cultivate peace of mind and positive habits that last a lifetime.
Our transformative courses and training programs are meticulously designed to introduce you to the art of mindfulness and the science of well-being. Whether you're looking to find tranquility in your daily life or seeking to enhance your professional skills through motivational interviewing, our offerings are tailored to meet your needs.
Embark on a life-changing experience with our Teadveloleku retriit “Julgus luua” (Mindfulness Retreat “Courage to Create”), where you can retreat from the hustle of everyday life and immerse yourself in the healing power of presence and self-compassion. Led by experienced psychologists and mindfulness teachers, this retreat is a sanctuary for both beginners and seasoned practitioners.
For those who prefer the comfort of their own space, our Teadveloleku videokursus (Mindfulness Video Course) offers a flexible and comprehensive approach to learning mindfulness. With practical video sessions, downloadable audio exercises, and app support, you can cultivate mindfulness at your own pace, anytime, anywhere.
Our consultations and personalized tricks are designed to provide you with the tools to build and maintain healthy habits, ensuring a stress-free life filled with joy and purpose. And for those special occasions, our gift cards make the perfect present for anyone looking to embark on their own journey to inner peace.
With HINGESPAA OÜ, you're not just learning techniques; you're embracing a lifestyle. Cultivate Serenity, Embrace Mindfulness! Join us and transform your life today.
Explore our offerings and find the course that speaks to your heart. Your journey to peace of mind starts here.
Helena VäljastePsychologist and mindfulness teacher,, Psychologist, trainer, mindfulness teacher and motivational interviewing coach
+372 524 6699helena@meelerahu.ee
Company customer opinions
Helena suutis imehästi kaasata kuulajaid ka veebiformaadis. Tema soe loomus ja tähelepanelikkus kumab läbi igas tema tegevuses – nii koostöös kui ka esineja rollis. Aitäh veelkord!
Ma tahaksin Sind siiralt veel kord tänada selle imelise kogemuse eest, mida meile täna andsid! Osalejaid jäid väga rahule ja see tagasiside, mis tuli, oli nii positiivne ja tunnustav! Küsiti kohe mitu korda, et kust ma nii hea leiu Sinu näol küll sain!
Helena on koolitajana ühelt poolt kui helge päike ja positiivsete sõnumite kuulutaja, kuid teistpidi suudab ohjata kogu meeskonda ning utsitada nad oma leebel moel iseendaga töötama. Julgen siiralt Helenat koolitajana soovitada.
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