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hidden job market recruitment, employment opportunities, specialist and executive search, recruitment consulting services, trusted recruitment partner, career development support, team building recruitment, value-driven recruitment, talent acquisition strategies, search and selection of staff

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Company Story

At United Talents OÜ, we believe that behind every great vision lies an even greater team. Our mission is to bridge the gap between ambitious companies and the exceptional individuals who can turn their business dreams into reality. As the largest target search firm in Estonia, we take pride in creating winning outcomes for everyone involved—our clients, our candidates, and our dedicated team.

Our approach is unique. We bypass traditional recruitment methods and focus on active hidden target searches, ensuring that our clients have access to the best specialists and leaders in the market—those who are not typically within reach. This method guarantees that we provide not just any talent, but the right talent to drive your organization forward.

Our values are the cornerstone of our success. We've grown by fostering long-term relationships built on shared goals and values. We celebrate the victories of our clients and candidates, and we thrive on the satisfaction that comes from making the perfect match.

For those seeking to advance their careers, we offer support and respect for your professional development aspirations. We're eager to hear from you and explore how we can assist in your journey to new opportunities.

Our partners speak volumes about our impact. From SEB Bank to Norstat and Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company, we have consistently delivered solutions that exceed expectations. Our consultants are recognized for their enthusiasm, professionalism, and the ability to act swiftly and with precision.

Choose United Talents OÜ for your recruitment needs and experience the synergy of vision and talent. Together, we can build the teams that will lead your business to victory.


What do customers think?

Opinions of the company's customers

Pärast seda kui olime aastaid oma klientidelt United Talents’i kohta kiidusõnu kuulnud, oli vajalikul hetkel värbamisettevõtte valimine NJORD advokaadibüroole lihtne ning me ei ole pidanud oma valikus pettuma! Olen Karinit, Pillet ja nende tiimi veel korduvalt teistele soovitanud!

United Talentsi abi olen ma kasutanud Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus ning just oma kõige lähedasema meeskonna loomisel. Kandidaadid on olnud kõik tõsiseltvõetavad ja viimase valiku tegemine on pakkunud iga kord meeldivat väljakutset. Mul on hea meel tõdeda, et kõik meie ühiselt leitud inimesed töötavad firmas ka täna.

- Mall Ivalo

Tänu neile kui heale partnerile oleme leidnud töötajaid ka väga keerulistele võtmepositsioonidele. United Talentsi konsultandid oskavad mõelda raamidest välja ja pakkuda lahendusi, mille peale ise ei tule. Ja mis kõige olulisem – nad teevad oma tööd südamega!

Cooperation partners

The company's biggest cooperation partners

EE- Estonia

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