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FORUS HALDUS OÜ hetkeolukord

Juba 4,505 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 57 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 3.7 punktiga ja kommenteeritud 111 korda.

's activity report 2022

Brief introduction of Forus Haldus

Forus Haldus is a company offering comprehensive real estate services. Our strength is a holistic view of the building's life cycle, which includes maintenance of technical systems, property management, property maintenance, energy efficiency solutions, and construction services.

Forus Haldus employs nearly 180 professionals who service a very diverse portfolio, including both public sector and private capital-based objects - large shopping centers, Class A offices, hotels, schools, universities, production buildings, and other businesses. We can solve even the most complex situations. Forus Haldus is focused on high-quality service, using the latest tools and IT solutions. The company has a dedicated and professional team, and to keep professional knowledge up to date, regular employee training and further education are carried out. Both client and employee safety and health at work are given high priority.

Forus Haldus OÜ belongs to the Forus Group. The largest company in the group is Forus Security AS - the largest Estonian capital-based security and security sector company, employing over 1000 people.

In addition, the Forus Group includes Techno Life OÜ, Forus Tehnika Rent OÜ, Trovatex OÜ, and USS Latvia


The economic environment and seasonality of economic activity The war that broke out in Ukraine in February 2022 has created uncertainty both in Estonia and globally, causing a sharp rise in the prices of services and goods and causing supply problems. However, we believe that our adaptable and evolving team can bring the company through this crisis stronger and further improve our market position.

Due to the nature of Forus Haldus's business, seasonality does not have a significant impact on turnover or activities, except for the construction sector, where turnover and activities are more active, due to

Estonian weather conditions, during the period May-September and lower October-April.

Environmental impacts

The company has a medium-sized car park. Vehicles mainly service various maintenance objects and technical faults, so when choosing vehicles, we pay great attention to CO2 indicators, fuel consumption, and what fuel the car consumes. We prefer hybrid and electric cars to reduce the environmental footprint.

Forus Haldus moved its headquarters to a new location in January 2022, where we use smart home solutions: to save electricity, the system assesses the need for lighting depending on the intensity of daylight, and the lighting is also set with motion sensors.



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