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Deciders and beneficiaries

Main decider
Ants Paluvits

Reputation scores 2520

Total estimated turnovers 2024 of deciders` companies

35 323 â‚¬

by 100 % compared to last year

Deciders` memberships
Ants Paluvits

Eesti Võlausaldajate Liit MTÜ member

Active business relations
Ants Paluvits



The most influential business partners of deciders

Dmitri Jermohhin

Reputation scores: 5180

Anneli Tuisk

Reputation scores: 940

Main beneficiary
Ants Paluvits

Net value of the assets

49 861 â‚¬

The company in focus began its operations in the year 2016. Since its inception, the primary target of the company's sales has been the Estonian clientele. This strategic focus on the local market has been a defining


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