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Company Story
At DoWisely OÜ, we believe that the foundation of success lies in continuous learning and skill enhancement. Our extensive range of training programs is meticulously designed to cater to professionals at every level and across a spectrum of interests. From the intricacies of engineering design to the delicate balance of mental health, our courses are tailored to empower you with knowledge and practical skills.
Unleash Your Design Potential
Our Autodesk Inventor CADPro course is a haven for professional CAD software users. Dive into topics such as CAD administration, design accelerators, freeform modeling, nesting, and piping. With our comprehensive 3D Printing Training, step into the future of product development and unleash the power of creation right at your fingertips.
For our Russian-speaking clientele, we offer the Autodesk Inventor CADPro and Autodesk Fusion courses in Russian, ensuring that language is no barrier to your professional growth.
Technical Drawing and Mental Health: A Balanced Approach
Understanding the language of technical drawings is crucial in the field of mechanical engineering. Our course on Technical Drawings covers the essentials of creating and interpreting these vital components of engineering communication. Moreover, we recognize the importance of mental well-being in professional excellence. Our training on Eating Disorders delves into the psychological aspects of daily routines and their management, highlighting the link between mental health and everyday activities.
DoWisely OÜ is not just about training; it's about creating a community of well-rounded professionals. We offer personalized training and consultations, ensuring that your learning experience is as unique as your needs. Whether it's at your company's convenience or through our expertly crafted courses, we are here to guide you on your journey to mastery.
Ready to take the next step in your professional development? Register now and join the ranks of those who choose to do wisely with DoWisely OÜ.
Explore our services, enhance your skills, and welcome to a world of informed expertise.
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Company customer opinions
Autodesk Vault Professional hõlbustab seadmete projekteerimisel komponentide mudelite leidmist, jooniste revisjonide haldamist ning võimaldab sama projektiga tegeleda paralleelselt mitmel inseneril.
Seeläbi kiireneb projekteerimisprotsess ja väheneb tekkivate vigade arv.
Olen olnud nii Vaulti administraator kui ka kasutaja ning võin kinnitada, et see muudab inseneri töö tunduvalt sujuvamaks ja efektiivsemaks. Kõiki firma 3D mudeleid ja jooniseid saab hallata ühes kohas ja korraga. Administraator saab määrata kõigile kasutajatele vajalikud õigused. Tsentraalne andmehaldus ja kasutajaõigused kindlustavad, et keegi kogemata olulisi andmeid ära ei kaotaks.
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