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This company's branding has already reached 288,803 peopleand his is followed by 18 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 4.8 points.but there is no comment.
's activity report 2022
Established in 2016, Dominate Sales OÜ embarked on a mission to provide its clients and partners with professional consulting in the thrilling world of business management. Over the years, our service portfolio has been steadily expanding, now offering a wide range of training and consulting services. Catering to both budding entrepreneurs and seasoned business sharks, our services span from the initiation process of a company to training experienced sales teams. Our core service, business consulting, is complemented by a variety of management and sales training, recruitment services, audits, and tests. We also participate in the refinement of company management systems and the selection and implementation of software solutions. Our holistic approach ensures that we provide comprehensive solutions to our clients, helping them grow and achieve their set goals.
In 2022, Dominate Sales OÜ reported a sales revenue of 482 thousand euros, marking a 16% increase compared to 2021. The most significant growth was observed in the sales training and customer management software development services sectors. Our radio show, 'Names on the Sales Board,' continues to be a hit among Äripäev listeners, gaining recognition in the Estonian sales landscape. We take immense pride in the success of this project as it allows us to fulfill our mission: to elevate and modernize the quality of sales and service in the Estonian business landscape.
Looking ahead to 2023, our goal is to continue the development of a digital training platform. This platform will enable sales teams to develop their sales and management skills anytime, anywhere. The digital training platform provides us with the opportunity to reach more clients and thereby grow. Alongside this, we will continue our core activities, offering comprehensive solutions for companies to grow and achieve their set goals. In conclusion, Dominate Sales OÜ is not just a consulting firm. We are a partner in growth, a catalyst for change, and a beacon of innovation in the business landscape. We are committed to helping businesses thrive in an ever-changing market environment, and we look forward to continuing our journey of growth and success.
Company customer opinions
Dominate Sales on meile suureks abiks olnud. Nad suutsid meie müügimeeskonna efektiivselt tööle saada, luues meile konkreetse ülevaate hetkeseisust, tugevustest ja nõrkustest ning tegevuskavad tulemusteni jõudmiseks.
Dominate Salesi müügiaudit oli meie ettevõtte jaoks väga oluline, sest see lõi meie meeskonnale selge pildi ja näitas, mida ja kuidas muuta. Käive on kasvanud 15-40% ja oleme välja treeninud rohkem kui 100 müügispetsialisti ja kümneid müügitalente ja -juhte.
Dominate Salesi abiga oleme üles ehitanud äritarkvara startup'i, tõstes müügiosakonna juhina ettevõtte käivet kahe aastaga 50 tuhandelt 1 miljonini. Auditi tulemusena on meil selge ülevaade, kuidas edasi minna ja mis peamine, lahendused tulemusteni jõudmiseks.
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