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Anella Sadovnikova

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ehitusplatsi ettevalmistus, ehitusplatsi puidutööd, tööstuslike fassaadide ehitus, abiehitiste ehitus, eritellimusel puutööd, fassaadipaigaldus, moodulhooned, Renoveerimistööd, kauba käitlemine, marsruudi planeerimine

Building smarter: the rise of auxiliary constructions

Auxiliary constructions refer to supplementary buildings or structures that support the primary construction projects. They are pivotal in enhancing the efficiency, safety, and functionality of the main construction effort. These structures can range from temporary setups like scaffolding and site offices to permanent fixtures such as storage facilities and modular units. The construction industry has witnessed a significant shift towards smarter building practices. The rise of auxiliary constructions is a testament to this evolution, as they embody the principles of innovation, efficiency,


kõik artiklid

Facade design trends for modern architecture

The facade of a building is often its most striking feature, serving as a canvas for architects to express creativity and innovation. As the face of modern arch
The facade of a building is often its most striking feature, serving as a canvas for architects to express creativity and innovation. As the face of modern architecture, facades reflect not only aesthetic values but also technological advancements and environmental considerations. From the ornate exteriors of classical architecture to the sleek, glass-dominated surfaces of contemporary designs, facade architecture has undergone a significant transformation. This evolution is a testament to the changing priorities and technologies of the times. A well-designed facade can enhance a building's

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