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Company Story

Welcome to a world where precision meets artistry, where every cut and engrave is a testament to the fusion of traditional craftsmanship with modern technology. At the heart of our operations lies a passion for creating and a dedication to perfection. We are not just a company; we are creators, innovators, and above all, enablers of your vision.

Our suite of services includes CNC milling, laser cutting, laser engraving, and format saw services. We specialize in working with a variety of materials such as plywood, wood, aluminum, plastics, and acrylic glass, transforming them into intricate designs and precise cuts that cater to your unique needs.

Whether you are looking for business and advertising gifts that stand out or need custom components for your next big project, our state-of-the-art CNC and CO2 laser equipment are at your disposal. Our CNC milling services offer unparalleled accuracy, creating everything from grooves to non-through holes with an automatic tool changer and a vacuum bed CNC milling machine. The result? Flawless execution for your most demanding designs.

Our laser cutting and engraving capabilities allow us to work with light materials to produce prototypes or small series parts with exceptional precision and aesthetic appeal. The edges of acrylic glass cut with our lasers have a matte finish, perfect for satin-finished plaques, signs, decorations, models, and more.

At the core of our service is a commitment to your satisfaction. We understand that sometimes you may not have a design ready, which is why we offer drafting services to bring your ideas to life. Our team is equipped to handle large-scale dimensions, with a maximum material size of 2000mm by 3000mm and thickness ranging from 3 to 40mm.

Join us in the journey from concept to creation. Send us your inquiries for bulk orders, and let's craft the exceptional. Contact us today to start your project with a partner that values precision, quality, and your creative vision.


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Opinions of the company's customers

- Laura P.

Uskumatu, kuidas nad minu idee elustasid!

- Marko T.

Suurepärane kogemus, kindlasti kasutan veel.

- Jaanika P.

Tänan meeskonda suurepärase töö eest!

The future of acrylic glass in design and architecture

Acrylic glass, also known as polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), is a transparent thermoplastic often used as a lightweight or shatter-resistant alternative to glass. Known for its clarity, UV resistance, and weatherability, acrylic glass has become a staple in various industries, including design and architecture. Since its development in the early 20th century, acrylic glass has evolved from a military-grade material to a versatile component in modern design. Its ability to be easily molded and adapted has paved the way for its widespread use. Current Applications of Acrylic Glass Designers


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Laser cutting vs. traditional methods: what's best for your project?

When it comes to shaping materials for manufacturing, design, or architectural projects, the choice of cutting technology plays a pivotal role in the outcome. T
When it comes to shaping materials for manufacturing, design, or architectural projects, the choice of cutting technology plays a pivotal role in the outcome. Traditional cutting methods have been the backbone of material processing for decades, but with the advent of laser cutting, the landscape has changed significantly. Traditional cutting methods, such as mechanical sawing, milling, and water jet cutting, rely on physical contact with the material. These methods have been refined over the years to improve efficiency and precision, yet they come with limitations in terms of complexity and

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