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Margo Lõoke

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
the Funeral Home, coffin unness, cremation, Urnivatus, the levelling and removal of the tomb dwarf for the burial of the urn., the levelling and removal of the tomb dwarf of the coffin., lighting a candle., planting flowers., maintenance of the grave site: single or year-round., installation, exchange, addition of sand, rubble or any other material.

Choosing the right memorial: a guide to gravestones

Memorials serve as a tangible representation of a life lived and a connection point for the living to remember and honor their loved ones. They provide a place of solace and reflection, allowing individuals to process grief and celebrate the memory of the deceased. Gravestones are not only personal memorials but also historical records that provide insight into past lives, societal values, and genealogy. Types of Gravestones Upright headstones are the most common type of memorial, often made from granite or marble, and can be personalized with inscriptions and designs. Flat markers lie


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The importance of year-round grave maintenance

Grave maintenance is a practice that involves the regular care and upkeep of a gravesite. It includes tasks such as cleaning the headstone, trimming the grass,
Grave maintenance is a practice that involves the regular care and upkeep of a gravesite. It includes tasks such as cleaning the headstone, trimming the grass, removing weeds, and planting flowers. This maintenance ensures that the final resting place of loved ones remains a dignified and respectful site. Maintaining a grave is not just a one-time event after a burial; it is an ongoing commitment. Year-round maintenance is crucial because it prevents the accumulation of debris and damage from weather conditions, and it also reflects ongoing respect and remembrance for the deceased. The

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