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Tammi Kivi

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construction of private houses, construction of paired houses, office surface construction, construction of warehouses, construction & renovation of apartment buildings, project planning/management, management of subcontractors, design-project planning, assessment & estimation, execution of works according to prepared projects and the request of the contracting authorities

How to choose the right contractor for your project

Before you begin your search for a contractor, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of what your project entails. Define the scope of work by outlining the specific tasks and objectives you want to achieve. This will help you communicate your vision effectively to potential contractors and ensure that they understand your expectations. Establishing a realistic budget is essential for the success of your project. Consider all potential costs, including materials, labor, permits, and unexpected expenses. Having a well-defined budget will help you narrow down your options and choose a


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Top 5 design trends for modern homes

In the ever-evolving world of architecture and interior design, staying ahead of the curve is essential for homeowners and real estate developers. Modern homes
In the ever-evolving world of architecture and interior design, staying ahead of the curve is essential for homeowners and real estate developers. Modern homes are increasingly reflecting the values and lifestyles of their inhabitants, with a strong emphasis on sustainability, technology, and functionality. In this blog post, we explore the top five design trends that are shaping modern homes today. Trend 1: Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Design As environmental concerns continue to rise, sustainable design has become a cornerstone of modern architecture. Homeowners are seeking ways to reduce

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