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general construction work, pressure wash, sealing and protection, removing stains, regular maintenance, stone design, stone road installation, stone edges, Landscaping, finishing works

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Company Story

Welcome to a world where precision meets nature, and craftsmanship restores the beauty of outdoor spaces. At SAGORTE OÜ, we are not just a company; we are artisans and caretakers of the earth's natural canvas. Our mission is simple yet profound: 'We specialize in pressure washing, landscaping, and constructing stone sites with precision and care.'

From the very beginning, our goal has been to transform ordinary spaces into extraordinary landscapes. We believe that every stone has a story, every garden has a soul, and every clean surface shines with possibilities. With our expert team, state-of-the-art equipment, and a passion for perfection, we offer services that go beyond mere aesthetics. We create experiences.

Our services include the meticulous pressure washing of stone sites, where we breathe new life into your patios, driveways, and walkways, making them look as pristine as the day they were laid. Our landscaping solutions are tailored to your vision, crafting serene environments that invite tranquility and beauty into your daily life. And when it comes to the construction of stone sites, our skilled craftsmen build enduring structures that stand the test of time, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings.

At SAGORTE OÜ, we are more than just a service provider; we are your partner in elevating spaces. Our commitment to excellence is unwavering, and our dedication to your satisfaction is absolute. Join us on this journey, and let's create something beautiful together, stone by stone. Elevating Spaces, Stone by Stone!

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- Maris K.

Kiviplatside ehitus oli täpne ja esteetiline. Soovitan soojalt!

- Kaimar S.

Olen väga rahul kivitee paigaldusega. Töö oli kiire ja kvaliteetne.

- Kadi R.

Meie sõidutee näeb välja nagu uus tänu professionaalsele survepesule.

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